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Read Letter

Strategise On Life

Dear Jack,

I was thinking of you the other day, and I said to myself, “He ought to take time off at the beginning of every year to meditate and strategise on his life!” Indeed, everyone should take time off to meditate on life, career, or business. That’s what big corporations do! They review and plan. It’s a factor of their success. They review the previous year, set targets for the new year, think through possible challenges.

We must do the same: take a day or two off, switch off the phone, go to a quiet place and ponder our lives and ventures. It makes sense! Without it life will become a treadmill, and no one can last on a treadmill. You need mental, emotional and spiritual rejuvenation. You need refocusing.

You need to ponder the course of your life. How much did you make last year? How much did you give? How did you spend your income? Did you move towards your vision? Did you accomplish your goals? Did you meet your targets? Did you develop yourself? How was your primary relationship? What do you need to improve on? How does the world see you? What opportunities are out there?

You’ve got to set some goals for this year. And you must review those goals periodically, say every three months. Then you’ll know if you’re moving in the direction of your vision, and you can correct your course. Please take my advice. You’ll thank me for it!

Go to a beach, go to the village, lock yourself up in a hotel room, somewhere far removed from the noise of life: ponder the year ahead. 

An hour spent thinking and meditating is far more productive than a year of directionless and unfocused labour!

Your mentor, LA


©Leke Alder 2013

Tags : Strategy, Goals, Plan

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