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This telephone and email counselling platform is provided with the best of intention(s) primarily to help a Client (the one who seeks help) to cope with situations when the client feels that help from a Counsellor (the one who offers help) is necessary.

Such counselling is imparted with the clear understanding that the Counsellor does not owe any responsibility whatsoever, both explicit or implicit for any damage (to the Client) including, but not limited to the Client’s life/health; the Client’s worth, which said worth shall be construed to involve the Client’s movable and immovable properties.

It is further made known and understood that unlike face-to-face counselling, telephone/email counselling has its limitations.

It is also understood that the Client has opted to undergo this counselling entirely at his/her own risk and that although the Counsellor will sincerely try to maintain confidentiality, the same cannot always be assured.

Any further communication with the Counsellor implies that the Client has carefully read and agreed to the terms and conditions in this disclaimer.

I have read and understood this disclaimer and I agree to it. I specifically understand that I avail (myself) of this telephone or email counselling service at my own risk.