My dear Jack, I think the problem your friend has is that he sees women as meretricious – cheap and tawdry. He has a commercial concept of women, sees women as objects of commerce. A commercial concept of women is why men use phrases like, “Left on the shelf.” Nothing could be more commercially graphic than such a phrase. In fact many of these paradigms are sexual. A marriage wholly based on sex won’t last. You soon get used to the sex. The adventurous type soon begins to look for other experiences, he begins to seek new varieties of women. Of course these things are hard to explain to a libidinous young man. His physical desire is so strong it short-circuits his neural network. He meditates so much on copulative possibilities he can’t even see the woman. He soon begins to imagine himself a “G,” not knowing he’s operating within a narrow paradigm that can’t hold up a marriage.