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Tag Archives: Parents

Dear Jack, she isn’t the prettiest of girls but she’s kind. Something about her drew him to her. She is not in his social class either. Very few would be. His father is rich. Very rich. She recognized early on he could date other women – very beautiful women, and yet it was her he chose. He trusts her implicitly. She’s selfless. It was that selflessness that created the trust. Selflessness creates trust. There are no airs about her. She’s as basic as a piece of pancake. No, not American pancake with all its embellishments and retinue of excesses. She’s just a basic person, a good soul. She couldn’t even dress well. Her sartorial taste was terrible and passable in equal measure. She is a friend, a girlfriend and mother all rolled into one. It was to her he turned at the critical juncture of his life. He trusted her with his data and emotions. Not that she totally understands him. But she loves him and cares for him.
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My dear Jil, this problem with your dad, I’d say watch it. I’ve seen too many of these kinds of things destroy marriages and your marriage shouldn’t be a casualty. A lot of marriages have been destroyed from unresolved issues with parents. The anger and sense of impotence create bitterness and unhappiness. Bitterness from anger and impotence tends to lash out, at anybody close by. Continue reading